The Resilient
Catholics Community
The Resilient Catholics Community (RCC) is for you if you:
- are a psychologically minded, faithful, orthodox Catholic who loves the Interior Integration for Catholics podcast, especially the experiential exercises want to learn to love yourself in an ordered way
- are committed to spending time, energy and resources on your own human formation
- appreciate both the multiplicity and unitive aspects of the human person, informed by Internal Family System thinking and grounded in a Catholic understanding of the human person
- have committed to personal, relational prayer with God and Mary, even if you struggle with it
- deeply desire to come to God our Spiritual Father and Mary our Spiritual Mother with childlike trust and complete confidence, even if the prospect brings up fear or trepidation
- Check out our 19-minute experiential exercise to help you discern about applying to the RCC.
Registration is now closed for the
St. Ignatius of Loyola cohort.
Please add your name to the interest list for the June 2025 cohort, St. Jerome.
Join the June 2025 Interest List
Get updates about the application process for the St. Jerome cohort. Registration will open on June 1st.
January 2025 RCC Informational Meeting
Join Bridget Adams, RCC Member Care Coordinator, and Dr. Peter for a 80-minute meeting that covered all about what it means to apply for the RCC and what it is like. We answered many questions from a live audience. Click here to get an audio-only link.
The Core of the RCC
Adam and Michelle Gardiner are a married couple, both members of the RCC, who have been inspired to start the Master's program in counseling at Divine Mercy University. For one of their graduate courses, they had to interview a Catholic "influencer" about how a Catholic understanding of the human person (a.k.a. a Catholic anthropology) drives their work. We recorded the interview so they would not have to take so many notes so fast. But their questions drew out in such a clear way the essence of the RCC from an anthropological perspective, and Adam and Michelle were so gracious to allow me to share this with you. The audio only is here.
Hear what a millennial has to share about her experience of the Resilient Catholics Community in this three minute-video.

"I am deeply grateful for the transformative experience I've had with the RCC, Souls & Hearts, and Dr. Peter Malinoski. The weekly company sessions are incredibly supportive and engaging, making this journey of healing surprisingly accessible and manageable. The time I invest in this deeply personal work is helping me heal and grow, positively impacting my most important relationships.
I wholeheartedly encourage fellow Catholics to join us. It’s a profound yet approachable path to integration and wholeness that truly enhances both spiritual and personal well-being."
- Omar O., Houston, TX
Check out Kathy Holecek's experience of the Resilient Catholics Community in this three minute-video.
The Resilient Catholics Community:
- has nearly 400 current members and is growing
- has a structured program of 44 weekly 90-minute meetings over the course of a year with your company of six to eight other pilgrims
- starts with the PartsFinder Pro (PFP) – this is a set of measures that takes about two hours to complete, and at least two members of our staff generate a six- to nine-page PFP report that details our understanding of your hypothesized parts and the possible ways they interact within you. You can download a PDF for a sample fictional report for a man and a woman
- matches you with a pilgrimage companion for daily check-ins, accountability and support
- provides a library of hundreds of different resources – talks, articles, blogs, podcasts, and experiential exercises to support you in your inner work
- connects you with other like-minded Catholics from around the world, who are committed to their human formation, informed by Internal Family Systems and grounded in an authentic Catholic understanding of the human person

"I am growing, and all the small parts within me are growing, too. I attribute this to the gentle, loving approach I am learning to have towards my own humanity and the re-'formation' taking place within me.
I have always desired integrity and integration but didn't know quite how to get there. I didn't know that the answers were inside me and that God was lovingly guiding me there. Allowing myself to 'go there' with Him on this journey has been the greatest gift I've ever given myself, and hopefully, as I grow, it will be the gift that keeps on giving."
- Elizabeth Lacayo, Metairie, LA
We meet primarily online via Zoom and in our dedicated Mighty Networks app.
"Making sense of self and the world around me through the lenses of my Catholic faith, psychology, and community is making all the difference!"
- Joyce Lynn, Monument, CO
The RCC is all about learning to be loved and to love...
...to carry out the two Great Commandments. We learn to be loved when we can trust – when we can feel safe enough to be seen, heard, known and understood in all our parts. Each of us needs to be loved by God, by others, and by ourselves.
But it doesn't end there. In the RCC we are learning to reflect that love back to God and others. And we are learning to love with our whole hearts, our whole minds, our whole souls and all our strength. We are learning to love with every fiber of our being. All of us. All of our parts. No part left behind, abandoned to carry our shame, grief, anger, sadness or fear alone.
And we are doing this together. Not as lone wolves, not as lone rangers. Together. In community. In relationship with each other. Fully in the Catholic Church, the mystical body of Christ, each of us individual members of that body.
...to enroll in the RCC:
- When registration is open, the first step is paying the (non-refundable) $499 application fee. The 44 weekly sessions happen over 12 months, with a $99 per month fee. The total cost is $1687 for the whole experience. If you need financial assistance, please complete this scholarship application. We work hard to make the RCC as affordable as possible for anyone who wishes to do this human formation work. Once we receive the application, Pam Malinoski will reach out to you to discuss financial options.
- After you register, Rose Malinoski, registration coordinator, will email you the consent form / member agreement form with demographic information for you to sign and return to her, either by email or by mail to Souls and Hearts, Resilient Catholics Community, 3560 Five Points Road, Indianapolis, IN 46239.
- Once we've received your consent / agreement form back, you will get via email Parts 1 and 2 of the PartsFinder Pro. For legal reasons, Part 1 has to be printed and completed, and then scanned and emailed, photographed and emailed, or sent by postal mail. You complete Part 2 of the PFP online.
- Once we have all the measures of the PFP completed, we will score them and create your summary sheet and Personal Human Formation Plan (PHFP).
- Then you will schedule a 15-minute Zoom or phone interview with one of our staff members who will be available to address any questions you may have about the report or joining the RCC.
- If those results, combined with the rest of your application, indicate you're a good fit for the RCC, Patty Ellenberger, office manager, will send you a link to a scheduling app for you to submit the times during the week when you are available for the company meetings. She will then match you with 6 or 7 other people in a company that can meet when you are available. We will also match you with a companion based on compatibility in your PFP results.
- Patty will then send you a payment link to start your $99 per month subscription and invite you to join the RCC on our Mighty Networks social networking app.
- If you don't seem to be a good fit for the RCC at the present time, we will give you recommendations in your Zoom or phone interview and work with you to help you get what you need.
- Please note that if you are accepted and choose to delay entry into the RCC by one or two cohorts, you will need to retake the PFP at a cost of $149 (with no new report). If you choose to delay by three or more cohorts, you will need to start the entire process over again.
Safety and Confidentiality in the RCC
Dr. Peter discusses two primary ground rules within the RCC.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
- Matthew 18:20

Grace does not destroy nature, but perfects it.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Listen to Austin Comito's experience of the Resilient Catholics Community in this two minute-video.

"The RCC is the missing ingredient in my Catholic spirituality that I believe will provide the human formation I need. Over time, I believe God will use the RCC to strengthen my spiritual life and lovingly heal my parts so that I can continue to unblend and perfect my love for the Lord, myself, my family, and others. It's a lifelong journey."
- Mark Pizzuto, Hillsborough, NJ
I am Dr. Peter Malinoski, a Catholic clinical psychologist who wants to bring together a community of Catholics who are serious about shoring up our natural foundations on which to build the fullness of the Catholic spiritual life.
We are bringing together Catholics who want to learn better how to tolerate being known and loved (it’s not as easy as it may sound), and who want to learn better how to understand and love others. And I mean “love” in the sense of authentic Christian charity, in the sense of agape, not romantic love.
Check out David Saunder's experience of the Resilient Catholics Community in this three minute-video.
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Matthew 22: 36-39

Our community is not about therapy
The Resilient Catholics Community is not about therapy. We do not do therapy in the RCC. Even though most of our members are in their own therapy or have been in the past, RCC membership isn’t a substitute for therapy.
Over the last few years, I have focused on ways that people heal outside of formal individual, group, marital, and family therapy. These therapies, as helpful and important as they are, don’t have a monopoly on healing and growing. Instead of doing therapy, we bring in approaches from life coaching, education, pastoral work, support groups, and from other fields and disciplines.
In the RCC, we have a training ground for the real hands-on work of loving and being loved. Members can stretch themselves to reach out and connect to others via discussion posts, private messages, in our online Zoom meetings and workshops, book clubs and in other ways. We work on being attuned to each other, really understanding each other and being with each other.
And it works. Members are healing. Members are growing.
What the Resilient Catholics community isn’t:
- It’s not a place for getting into political arguments or flame wars
- We don’t focus on social justice issues or social/political activism
- It’s not a place to badmouth the pope, bishops, priests, government officials, atheists, or anyone else
- We don’t try to “fix” each other. Instead, our goal is to “be with” each other, and trust that God’s authentic love reflected in us and through us heals us and our neighbor
What guides the Resilient Catholics Community
Humility and Charity
A childlike trust and absolute confidence in God our Father and Mary our Mother
A focus on contemplation and union with God and Mary
Join the June 2025 Interest List
Get updates about the application process for the St. Jerome cohort. Registration will open on June 1st.