Embark on a pilgrimage together to restore your marriage after you discover a pornography issue. Dr. Gerry Crete, marriage and family therapist, has helped many of his clients over the years overcome issues around pornography. This online course is an adaptation of his proven program. Each of the 25 modules is not only full of valuable information and resources but contains action items for husbands and wives to complete individually and together.
In this online course you will learn:
- A step-by-step process to restore your marriage and live free of pornography
- Why you or your spouse has a dependency on pornography
- How to set new boundaries
- How to break the cycle of addiction
- How to discover true intimacy with your spouse
- The right questions to ask your spouse
- How to disclose to your spouse that you’ve been using pornography
- How to process your sense of betrayal
- How to begin the healing process
- Where to find support and resources